Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Obama Curse-Ted Kennedy Paying Ultimate Price For Wrongfully Backing Senator Barack Obama?

America is saddened today by the news that Senator Ted Kennedy is dying...he has a malignant brain tumor of the worst kind. Oh Well, TOO BAD...perhaps the honorable Senator Kennedy is paying the ULTIMATE price for his wrongful backing of Senator Barack Obama for President, the first of many victims of the Obama Curse!

Who WON Senator Kennedy's state in the Primary? Senator Clinton WON HIS STATE, yet he opted to ignore the voice of the people, and now has been struck by the OBAMA CURSE, his days on this earth numbered. How many more Super Delegates out there are going to fall victim to the Obama Curse for wrongfully supporting a candidate the heart of the party DOES NOT WANT?

It is no accident that one of the biggest Obama supporters is now SILENCED, on his way to the dark unknown beyond.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Four Years of Ugly Kid Photographs-Vote Obama 2008

Have been looking at various pictures available on the internet, and beginning to understand why Michelle Obama shelters her kids from the press...can we say UGLY! If you want four years of Ugly Kid photographs, vote Obama in 2008! Malia and Sasha Obama are not very attractive kids...it's a fact, and if Barack wants his wife and kids off limits, then he needs to stop using them to WIN VOTES, stop using them to create the image of Obama the FAMILY MAN.

Now I am sure Senator Obama will cry foul, tell me to KEEP HIS CHILDREN OUT OF THIS, but he brought his children into this, has been trotting them out at political events in an attempt to WIN MORE VOTES...that makes them fair game, and it is not my fault that his and Michelle's children are not the prettiest children America has ever seen.

Maybe Obama should send his wife and children back to Chicago until after the November election is over...otherwise, he needs to shut his mouth, and accept the reality of politics. The first time he trotted his wife and children out at a political campaign event, HE MADE THEM FAIR GAME. If we Democrats are attacking him, wait till the Fall when the Republican attack ads go to the airwaves in FULL FORCE.

Senator Whiner Obama-"LAY OFF MY WIFE"

Obama's BITCH
Everytime someone makes an attack Obama does not like, he cries FOUL, with the latest example being his whining about a ad attacking his wife's unpatriotic remarks earlier this year. He has rushed to the airwaves to say, "LAY OFF MY WIFE" stating that she is out of bounds, and attacking her is LOW CLASS.

Here is a clue Mr. Obama...if you are going to use your wife (and children) to raise funds, win votes, or speak on your behalf, they ARE FAIR GAME, and you and your bitch of a wife need to get used to it...YES, I called your wife a B I T C H! I'll go even further, and state for the record that I think she would make a H O R R I D First Lady. While we are on the topic of family, if you are going to TROT YOUR KIDS OUT to win votes, try dressing them up a little bit, and keep them corraled when on stage. As for your comment that your wife is one of the most honest, dignified people you know...looking at your (and her's) long term relationship with Jeremiah Wright, that is not saying much!

Lastly...hope you, Michelle Obama and her employer are ready to explain her raise that she recieved ONLY AFTER YOU BECAME SENATOR.

Obama Tells GOP to 'Lay Off My Wife'

Barack Obama says Tennessee's Republican Party "should lay off my wife." The group posted a video online last week taking Michelle Obama to task for a comment she made earlier this year that some consider unpatriotic.

Welcome To Zebra Spot

Sure some will find this blog offensive...GOOD. Obama is offensive.

It has been said that zebra's cannot change their stripes, tigers their spots. America needs to wake up to the reality that Senator Barack Hussein Obama is a very dangerous fake who says what he thinks you want to hear. White is black and black is white, but we decide which is right, and which is an illusion...Moody Blues. The man stands on a stage and says to the crowd, "I don't take PAC money, I am not owned by lobbyist." Look at his contributions...of course he is not owned by the lobbyist, as he goes straight to the millionairs and billionairs for his money, thus cutting out the middle man, selling himself straight to the titans of industry like Warren Buffett.

Obama speaks of change, but wants to continue AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, wants to grant AMNESTY to 15-25 million illegal aliens. He speaks against politics as usual, but then uses politics as usual in trying to rid himself of the Jeremiah Wright scandal.

Before any one asks...I am a Democrat with Independent leanings. It seems apparent that Barack Obama will be selected as our party's nominee to run for president. I will not vote for him, and in fact will use my political efforts to keep him from winning the highest office in the land, even if it means putting Senator McCain into the Oval Office.